Thursday, 30 October 2008


or the blog that should be titled Ross, Brand and the News That Shouldn’t Have Been News At All..

So a phone call was made, somebody commented on how an ugly 23 year old lap dancer wasn’t particularly good looking and was a bit of a dog and perhaps a regretable lay.. hey! Worse things have been said about me to my face and my Dad didn’t go and get 30,000 people to complain a week later???

Jonathan Ross lays low, head firmly under the parapets and, if anything, doing his own image some damage. Weak, jelly spined and shitting it in case his mega-salary should be compromised. Maybe? But then he has a heck of a lot more to lose than Russelll Brand given he's on a £6m salary deal.. which might also be the reason why so many people have complained. Jealousy manifests in so very many ways.

As for Russell Brand, a firm favourite entertainer/celeb/artist(?) of mine, once the next week or so have passed I think you’ll find that all the media furore has served to do is increase his own brand value.. pun intended. Watch him migrate to better paid fields than the BBC (actually, his new series Ponderland is beginning on Channel 4 in an hours time as I write this). As Malcolm McLaren once famously said, any publicity is good publicity.

Someone I don’t particularly like is Noel Gallagher. But, he made a telling remark on Irish radio today about the whole Brand-Ross-Sachs saga. Gallagher said he was "outraged" that columnists in the press had "dictated the tone and are telling people how to behave". "It's so typical of the English in general - 10,000 people get outraged, but only five days after it has happened.” "You know what? There's now a massive divide. Them and us," he added.

Here, here to that Noel. First sensible thing I’ve heard you say in a long time. The world is going grey. And, again in Noel's words, then there’s us. Thankfully.

With that, I’m off to call a few has-been shite comedians and abuse ‘em.

Good night.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008


I have been spending some time surfing around Youtube and elsewhere saving down live tracks to WAV files and then converting them into mp3's recently. Easy enough to do, even with Windows in-built Sound Recorder and a simple WAV to MP3 filter package (do a google on saving youtube audio with sound recorder and you'll get to the same starting point).

But, among all this searching.. and waiting.. (I have a relatively slow broadband connection, boo hoo..) I came across a new concept in electronic music, something of which I am particularly fond. The reacTable is a new instrument that has made it from University PhD project to stage courtesy of Bjork in 2007 and no doubt others very soon. Take a look at the initial demo below..

I also then took a look around at other developments and found the reacTogon. A nice easy to follow Youtube clip can be seen here..

All a long way away from this..

Though in my eyes they remain the undisputable Kings of Electronic Keyboards!!!

Friday, 10 October 2008


Just a few weeks ago the markets tested 5,000 (FTSE100) and are now sat staring at 4,000.. Big (allegedly) bank after big bank is in trouble and governments around the world use the opportunity to stop people putting their money anywhere they like, make it all more political and play at being bankers (no pun intended honest)..

I have just one thing to say about it all.

Polko wants his money back.

I woke to this message today which doesn't make me a happy bunny.

Monday, 6 October 2008


currently contains a load of Hershey's..

..anticipating Christmas in New York