Wednesday, 2 September 2009


I used to know this girl. I've not seen her for about 20 years and nobody I know (except possibly a few people on my facebook account?) now has ever had anything to do with her so it's probably safe enough to talk about her in the way that I'm about to. I'll just refer to her as M to be on the safe side.

A little bag of skin and bone she was, all wrapped up in a nervous ball of cigarettes and joints really. Strange creature. Highly intelligent with a very good degree from the right London College but a right snobby little thing. Not my type. I don't know why I got involved. But I did. And it was fun while it lasted. Which wasn't very long in the scheme of things.

And then 20 years on I woke up thinking about her in the middle of the night for absolutely no apparent reason.

Anyway, she was as thin as a thin thing then. Only when she took off her top one night I got a bit of a shock as she had these huge tits. Where she managed to tuck them away in the daytime I will never know. One of life's fashion secrets. The only trouble was that even with her being only in her early twenties gravity should not have been exerting such a force on those things. They were my first and last experience of saggy breasts and I must say I'm happy about that. What do you do with something that doesn't obey the usual laws of physics and seems to slip through your fingers rather than sit in them?

Twenty years go by and we all inevitably change. She's probably married and had kids. Filled out a bit by now. Probably stopped smoking. And filled out a bit more. I bet those tits are massive these days?

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