Sunday 1 March 2009


On the subject of the RBS boss Fred Goodwin : whatever you think to the fact that someone was able to negotiate a massive pension as part of his package when working for a private company, the government's recent soundings have got to be more alarming?!

One quote from todays BBC News pages will suffice...

Ms Harman declined to say how the government would achieve this but made it clear it would not tolerate the award as it stands.

"The prime minister has said that it is not acceptable and therefore it will not be accepted," she added.

"And it might be enforceable in a court of law, this contract, but it is not enforceable in the court of public opinion and that is where the government steps in."

So, it would seem that the current UK government are about to disregard the law of the land which they themselves have ratified and do what they want instead... just because, as Ms Harman states, the Prime Minister has said it is not acceptable...

that's alright then, Gordon surely know what he's doing...... right?

P.S. It's not just me that thinks Gordon is doing a particularly bad job with my tax payments. Question: Will he forego his fat pension when he retires? I think not?

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