Friday 4 May 2012


Having had a fair few disappointments in business over the past few months (pain of the recession kicking in?) I thought I'd share a post I just read on the Virgin site.
A Blog posting about how to keep going in the face of adversity, keep batting away and as the post reminded me - the words of one great ice hockey player (Wayne Gretzky) - "You always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take."

Here's the link - Virgin Blog on Picking Yourself Up

Those who know me know that I am usually a confident person and full of the joys of spring and business. I relish a challenge.  Strange though, recently I've found myself searching for inspiration and feeling as if I need to radically change direction. It must be my age or the lack of real hunger to get out there and get the contracts in.. Whatever, I like the blog's phrase, "put on your big boy/girl pants and try again!"

A few other phrases stood out in today's reading;
Failure is only temporary
View "blips in your time-line as character-strengthening hiccups" (bit of a mouthful but too true!
Tomorrow really is another day - literally and metaphorically

So, with all this in mind I just emailed out to a few clients that have chosen others and not me recently. There are always new avenues to explore, even with the few that have said no in the past.

Mind you, if they come back and say no again then I'll have to take a different approach? Off to research light machine guns and Improvised Explosive Devices. Perhaps I'll become the next Al Capone of the consultancy world...

tongue firmly in cheek.. til next time..

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