Wednesday 22 September 2010


I am in London at the moment, at a conference in the City of London about the fate and future of financial Services.  But, Polko's world is full of different sectors of economic activity that are creeping along slowly and have problems all their own.

I derive a lot of my work from public sector money spent to bring people into the UK and to specific towns and cities around the place.

There is no money on the table to do that at the moment - the government are undertaking a review of their spending or I shuold say the last government's spending and therefore, as it turns out, their own complete in-ability to spend for some time to come...

The other part of what I do is property.  And that tap switched off some time ago (but is showing small signs of dripping back into action)..

So, my world is impacted by these issues.

Surprise, surprise when I was reading around the BBC News site this morning and I came across what seems to be a hidden embedded message just for me then!

I love going to America, and went only this last year.

But, if this economic slow-down continues I'm not going to be going back for a long time yet.  So, the last line - which doesn't appear to be linked to anything above it - seems to have been placed there to bring me a divine message. or something.

In any case, a strange event, and makes me more energised to get out onto these streets and find some work from wherever it can be found.

Go to go now, meeting to attend!

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