Wednesday 1 April 2009


You know you've had a good night when you wake up in your hotel room and find your clothes covered in what can only be explained as Golden Retriever hairs...

I was out and about in Budapest last night and this morning is April Fool's Day. And I am not falling for it.

Now I would usually be very concerned if I woke up in a foreign hotel room without Mrs Polko but with my clothes all covered in blonde hairs. Rightly so you might add (and Mrs Polko might not be best pleased either). But, I am absolutely sure that nobody has sneaked into my room through the night and covered my clothes in these damned blonde hairs. Luckily they are all about an inch long and very wavy. You know the type of thing. Exactly like a golden retriever or Labrador or something.

Friend of Polko had another friend who played us all sorts of entertaining tunes on a piano in Piaf Bar last night, shortly after eating the most amazing food at one of the world's greatest restaurants (my strapline, not the restaurant's). How can two people spend £276 on a meal? Ask Polko and Friend of Polko. Boy was it nice though - especially the goats cheese sorbet which was an amazing experience! Goat's cheese - sorbet?

Then friend of a friend of Polko gave us a lift back round the Erszebet korut in his 4x4. Polko thought he would bag the rear seats as they were folded down and it looked particularly attractive given that this was 05:00 in the morning and a lot of Sor's were taking effect on Polko's horizontal effectiveness.

Boy am I regretting that move this morning as I pick off these damned hairs one by one by one!

Still, it takes my mind off the large headache that is developing at the back of my cranium.

....Bp nights are always eventful.

1 comment:

PipL said...

£276? £276?!? Did you leave anything in the restaurant?

Although, goat's cheese sorbet does sound good. Can we replace one of our menu options with that please?!