Thursday 30 April 2009


I am not going to say any more about swine flu on my blog for now. The whole episode / pandemic is just getting too much exposure. The BBC led their news site this morning with the main WHO story plus eight more pages that you could dig into and freak yourself out about. Enough. Let's just have the news, I don't want a "Pandemic in Pictures" or "Mapping The Pandemic" site, nor do I want fancy graphics that show me the various levels of the WHO Pandemic Rating System.


My only comment will come, appropriately, in 28 Days from the first announcement of the cross-border problem at Level 5 (April 23). So, til 21 May. Zip. Nothing. Nada.

On another note, I enjoyed plotting my day on the blog yesterday. It didn't really surprise me. My days are pretty similar from one to the next at the moment. Polko's world of work has been busy busy busy for ten years but is now suffering like everyone else's (outside of the public sector where Polko says, "busy does not really apply"). Even then, those in the public sector are now beginning to worry about some of their positions. As we should all be aware, it's just not possible to pay that kind of public sector wage bill each month when the government have just given away billions to the banking sector and the private sector isn't exactly generating large tax revenues. There is now talk of final salary pension schemes being 'amended', 'revised', cut and/or suspended for some in the public sector. Welcome to the real world people! Just when you thought it was safe to stay in public sector waters..

Whilst googling for the Jaws Poster (lovingly re-interpreted by Mrs Polko - thank you!) I came across an interesting concept on someone else's blog (Spectacular Attractions - film in all its forms). Basically, take three screen grabs of a film from 10, 40 and 70 minute points and analyse the essence of the film from just those three. Nicholas Rombes, a University of Detroit Mercy prof, called this idea "freedom through constraint" in his book A Cultural Dictionary of Punk. I like the idea and will try it out. Watch out some time soon for the first.

Now I have those expenses hanging over from yesterday to sort out. And maybe one or two skirmishes in Azerbaijan on Call of Duty 4. Today will be more freedom than constraint methinks?

1 comment:

PipL said...

Your first paragraph prompts me to tell you too late about Charlie Brookers Newswipe. A fantastically amusing look at how the news is delivered. Sadly there were only 6 episodes and the last was last night, but it's probably on iPlayer.