Sunday 5 April 2009


Today has reminded me of why I moved to this house on a hill. One very great day. It is very chilled here in Polko-land.

Among the myriad of Spring cleaning-like activities (though not direct spring cleaning activity - those that know me know I don't do the cleaning at Polko-ville) I've junked eMule and moved to another 'provider' so to speak. Recommendation of a friend who is usually the one asking me about things IT, and most definitely a great recommendation. Among other things I've just downloaded Talk Talk 'The Colour of Spring' - their 1986 album which is loaded with great tracks to play out the evening sunset over the hills out of my kitchen window.

One track is in particular very relevant - it's called April 5th.
Check it here: Talk Talk - April 5th
Sounds very moody, Depeche Mode-like?

Busy week ahead, trying to fit five days work into two and half but fitting in a trip to Nodnol in between to watch ABC re-do The Lexicon of Love with the BBC Orchestra - and it's going to be good. Real good!

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